I am an artist looking to make my art grow. Been a newgrounds fan ever since i saw castle crashers and all the all the greatest artists i have loved came from here.
pass a coin to a fellow artist?

Age 30, Male

Joined on 8/20/19

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butterspam's News

Posted by butterspam - October 16th, 2022

hello, just an update on my life, still here. currently working on a Halloween drawing right now. hopefully it will be done before the day of the spook. but hopefully i can get one more drawing done also this month on time.

unfortunately retail job is still a thing in my life. so still will be a thing that will kind of get in the way of my art. one day i will achieve my dream to do art for a job. just one step at a time

Current WIP of coloring stage



Posted by butterspam - October 8th, 2022

so hey, just a small update of where i am at the moment.

i am still here.... technically

rn life has been rough in regards of being productive in my art/ 3D modeling learning journey. with my retail job and other things in my life. i have been in sorta of in a cycle of being stuck. come home from work, have no motivation and just all out tired, waste time on other things like games or other media, then i get a little sad about my future, rinse and repeat.

i have made this cycle and i have been trying (but mostly failing) to break this really bad part of my life.

i will go forward still in one day making art or anything creative as a dream job into a realilty

so for those who sorta like my stuff, thank for at least looking and interacting with whatever i have

also heres a Wip for somthing i have been doing at the momentiu_770129_7599533.webp

The 3D model i made in blender to use as ref



Posted by butterspam - August 6th, 2022

so i haven't been active at all lately, and honestly, im still having the HUGE FUNK feeling of just no motivation lately to do art or just in general being productive. i dont want to point out my problems but mostly its just personal life stuff and working at a retail job that i would describe as a "SHIT HOLE".

now i am going to a new retail job (part time still) that i feel is MUCH more Sane... for now.

so in short, im still here, but ill try to upload whenever i do a proper drawing. i rather not post half ass stuff here. maybe when im having a bad funk, ill post a doodle collogue for me to re ignite my passion.

on top of that, im also trying to study Blender, i have made GOOD progress on learning how to use and model in it. i feel at times i might be too much for me to do two things at once but i want to try to not set myself to one thing.

i hope you will continue to have a giggle at my stuff as i try to my journey into my art passion

also here's a wip at the current drawing for a concept art for a VERY small project that probably might not go anywhere, but its something i at least want to have a crack at



Posted by butterspam - July 13th, 2022

so if your wondering "hey Butter, where the fuck are you? you posted like nothing at all these couple of months?!"

well the first few mounths have been me being just lazy and unmotivated to do anything creative.... then i got hit with the COVID DEBUFF.

this has killed all my will to do art recently which is why im trying to crawl back into things. and i paying for it heavy. my absence has degraded my drawing really bad. so its time to study again how to draw shit again.

i hope i can get you guys more stuff in art.

anyhow ill go back into my cave and try to draw shit now

"PSST.. heere what im working right now. WIP"



Posted by butterspam - May 12th, 2022

so i have made a Ko-Fi account for thoses who want to toss a coin to a fellow artists. you dont have to do this at all. but a coin or two would be nice. more coins might equal more stupid shit like i dont know...boobs? dumb meme art? who knows/

I hope to continue my journey to survive this cursed timeline on earth

now excuse me but i must now go board up my hobble. i hear the angry man eater clowns with guns and they sound hungry as fuck

also still not technically dead? still have a retail job and still with my folks cause... you know.... economy isn't so chill at the moment

also shout out to my sister/fellow artist. if you want to see her stuff, go check her out. she is a great artist and the reason why i got into drawing shit





Posted by butterspam - December 7th, 2021

So I'm officially Graduated and now out of college, it's been a real pleasure on learning new skills and other handy tech/art skills. Ill will be still posting any random art i have when i get them done, however in the meantime i am gonna be offically job hunting for anything in the field. who knows, maybe ill be doing freelancing in the future. but for now, i gotta get some fun bucks the old fashion way for now.

good luck for anyone who is aspiring into the creative field!

Go for the sky and beyond!


Posted by butterspam - June 10th, 2021

So if you haven't noticed (or if anyone really gives a shit about this account) i havent been posting any art n sheez....why?

answer: summer college semester.

My schedule has been tight and honestly hectic. plus i put alot of energy into my projects and assignments, in turn when i come home, i got nothing in me to draw stuff. so honestly, its gonna be AHWHILE before stuff gets posted here. maybe a god given miracle i might get the energy to draw something and post it, buts that's a long shot.

anyhow, i hope you guys are having a better time for art and stuff, idk.