so hey, just a small update of where i am at the moment.
i am still here.... technically
rn life has been rough in regards of being productive in my art/ 3D modeling learning journey. with my retail job and other things in my life. i have been in sorta of in a cycle of being stuck. come home from work, have no motivation and just all out tired, waste time on other things like games or other media, then i get a little sad about my future, rinse and repeat.
i have made this cycle and i have been trying (but mostly failing) to break this really bad part of my life.
i will go forward still in one day making art or anything creative as a dream job into a realilty
so for those who sorta like my stuff, thank for at least looking and interacting with whatever i have
also heres a Wip for somthing i have been doing at the moment
The 3D model i made in blender to use as ref