so i haven't been active at all lately, and honestly, im still having the HUGE FUNK feeling of just no motivation lately to do art or just in general being productive. i dont want to point out my problems but mostly its just personal life stuff and working at a retail job that i would describe as a "SHIT HOLE".
now i am going to a new retail job (part time still) that i feel is MUCH more Sane... for now.
so in short, im still here, but ill try to upload whenever i do a proper drawing. i rather not post half ass stuff here. maybe when im having a bad funk, ill post a doodle collogue for me to re ignite my passion.
on top of that, im also trying to study Blender, i have made GOOD progress on learning how to use and model in it. i feel at times i might be too much for me to do two things at once but i want to try to not set myself to one thing.
i hope you will continue to have a giggle at my stuff as i try to my journey into my art passion
also here's a wip at the current drawing for a concept art for a VERY small project that probably might not go anywhere, but its something i at least want to have a crack at