so if your wondering "hey Butter, where the fuck are you? you posted like nothing at all these couple of months?!"
well the first few mounths have been me being just lazy and unmotivated to do anything creative.... then i got hit with the COVID DEBUFF.
this has killed all my will to do art recently which is why im trying to crawl back into things. and i paying for it heavy. my absence has degraded my drawing really bad. so its time to study again how to draw shit again.
i hope i can get you guys more stuff in art.
anyhow ill go back into my cave and try to draw shit now
"PSST.. heere what im working right now. WIP"
From the WIP, it doesn’t seem like your skill has degraded. Let’s see how the final looks before we make any hasty judgements.
I say where the worst degrade is drawing hands. It took me like 2 or hours of redrawing the hands. And im still not content with it. Its always with the thumbs too