damn thats some excellent digital painting, this being done on gimp also blows my mind!
damn thats some excellent digital painting, this being done on gimp also blows my mind!
Haha, I was stubborn and used Gimp for years regardless of people telling me to use other software. I do like it, but I've recently onto Krita which I prefer now :) Thanks for the compliment!
Honkberus, defender of the HONK ZONE
that ork face is gold
shes got some "Hot hip fire" >:D
just a question, do you use a draft layer then paint on top of it? or do you sorta paint bucket in the draft layer and then do more tweeks? i love the look of this and i wanted some advice on how to sorta achieve lineless painting
Also love this, good stuff all round
that's some nice line art, love the tank track detail
saving brother rayn
rip and "Quack"....GROOVY!
I am an artist looking to make my art grow. Been a newgrounds fan ever since i saw castle crashers and all the all the greatest artists i have loved came from here.
pass a coin to a fellow artist?
Age 30, Male
Joined on 8/20/19